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Minority Populations


Chester County Fund for Women and Girls’ Grants Allocation Committee Awards $219,000 in Grants

Monday, June 18, 2018

The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls (CCFWG) has awarded $219,000 in grants to 24 non-profit organizations working to improve the lives of women and girls in Chester County.


United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey announces $1 million challenge to boost regional Census Outreach Efforts

Philly Counts
Thursday, October 24, 2019

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey announced a $500,000 matching grant, with the goal ofraising $1 million in new funding to target greater engagement of historically undercounted groups in the city and region in the 2020 Census.


Statement: Including Immigrants and Refugees In Our Response to COVID-19

Immigrant Community courtesy Fels Fund
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Douty, Fels and Scattergood Foundations invite their fellow funders to sign-on to this statement committing to actions supporting our immigrant and refugee communities during the COVID-19 crisis.


Community-led Philanthropy during Crisis: How Giving Circles of Color Can Transform Traditional Philanthropy

Thursday, June 11, 2020
10:15am - 11:30am
Video Conference
Join us for a panel discussion with local leaders about how giving circles of color have responded to the current crises and how their giving circle models can intersect with traditional philanthropy. How can the community-centered lenses of BIPOC-led/BIPOC-serving giving circles inform, or transform, traditional grantmaking?  Non-members are welcome to attend this session.

As Violence Against Asian Americans Intensifies, the Moment for Philanthropy to Act Is Now

Stop Asian Hate
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

In the wake of the horrific shooting in Atlanta that killed eight people - including six Asian American women - authors Patricia Eng and Eric Stegman issued a issued a call for philanthropy to take action to stop this violence and hate against AAPI communities.


Native Voices Rising Announces $3.5 Million to Native-Led Advocacy

Native Voices Rising Grants
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Native Voices Rising (NVR) announced $3.5 million in grants to 114 Indigenous and Native-led advocacy and organizing groups working on an array of critical issues, including the promotion of Indigenous worldview, addressing trauma created by the U.S. Indian Boarding School policy, climate and water justice, and preventing incarceration in Native communities.

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