IPMF Announces 2024 Community Voices Fund Grant Recipients
Independence Public Media Foundation announced its 2024 Community Voices Fund grant recipients, with $800,000 awarded to 33 organizations and projects.
Independence Public Media Foundation announced its 2024 Community Voices Fund grant recipients, with $800,000 awarded to 33 organizations and projects.
Led by Philadelphia Foundation and the William Penn Foundation, along with other civic partners, the new Civic Coalition to Save Lives will help catalyze a broad effort to reduce gun deaths annually using strategies that have proven successful in other cities.
In the wake of the horrific shooting in Atlanta that killed eight people - including six Asian American women - authors Patricia Eng and Eric Stegman issued a issued a call for philanthropy to take action to stop this violence and hate against AAPI communities.
HealthSpark Foundation is announcing the award of $631,000 in grant funds to support 14 projects under the Safety Net Resiliency Initiative.
A new mural unveiled days before the 2020 election honors the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted many women the right to vote, and serves as an inspiration for the community to get out and vote.
What philanthropy needs is not a new framework, but a new endgame, racial liberation, which requires an intentional and laser-like focus on breaking systems of oppression that are based in white supremacist culture.
Grantees of Bread & Roses Community Foundation's Solidarity Fund for COVID-19 Organizing demonstrate the power, resilience and ingenuity of our community.
With the deep and ever-widening economic inequities exposed by the COVID-19 crisis, it's time we come together to invest in strategies and policies that decrease and eventually eliminate the gender and racial wealth gap.
This immediate deployment of resources represents more than 25 percent of the foundation's endowment to area nonprofits and immigrant & worker relief funds.
The Douty, Fels and Scattergood Foundations invite their fellow funders to sign-on to this statement committing to actions supporting our immigrant and refugee communities during the COVID-19 crisis.