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Bloomberg-Funded Efforts to Stem Pennsylvania Opioid Crisis Announced

Friday, July 12, 2019

Vital Strategies, a public health organization that helps governments strengthen their public health systems, has announced the first projects to be funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies as part of a $10 million commitment to address the opioid crisis in Pennsylvania.

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2020 Complete Count Committee Recommends State Funding To Ensure Accurate Census In PA

Monday, May 20, 2019

Reporting to the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania’s Census 2020 Complete Count Commission is requesting state funding be added to the 2019-20 budget totaling an amount equal to $1 per person currently residing in the state to ensure a complete and accurate census count in 2020.

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Opinion | As Philly’s historical organizations struggle, partnerships are key by Nadya K. Shmavonian

Historical Society photo by Heather Khalifa
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Nadya Shmavonian, director of the Nonprofit Repositioning Fund, argues that the sustainability of vital services and community assets is threatened by the weakened financial health of nonprofits, and it is in our collective interest to identify and support innovative solutions that support the longterm viability of these important organizations. 


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