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The Fund for Women and Girls Launches Highly Anticipated 2022 Blueprint Report at Community Event

The Fund for Women and Girls Blueprint speakers
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Published every five years, The Fund’s Blueprint Report is the first and only comprehensive needs assessment of women and girls in Chester County.

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Pew Appoints Donna Frisby-Greenwood as Vice President for Philadelphia Programs

Donna Frisby-Greenwood
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Beginning Oct. 3, 2022, Frisby-Greenwood will lead Pew's work across the region to advance critical public policy solutions, support local social services organizations, and foster a vibrant civic and cultural life.

Independence Public Media Foundation Announces 71 Grants Totaling $8.9 Million

IPMF grantee
Monday, August 15, 2022

IPMF announced $8.9 million in grants for community-centered, BIPOC-led media organizations and projects in the Philadelphia region community that support media-making, narrative shift around violence and community safety, filmmaking, digital equity and journalism.

The Alliance for Health Equity Releases $657,500 in Grants to Greater Coatesville Nonprofit and Grassroots Organizations

Better Tomorrows
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Alliance for Health Equity announced the release of $620,000 in support over two years to eight registered 501(c)3 grassroots and nonprofit partnerships, equaling 18 organizations as the recipients of the Collaborative Innovation Fund.

From Aspiration to Action: Building Our Capacity for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

North Star
Thursday, July 7, 2022

In this post, we share reflections on what we heard from members at our annual meeting in March 2022 and steps we are taking to move us forward on the path toward our aspirational North Star.

Vanessa B. Briggs, President & CEO, Departs The Alliance for Health Equity After Five Years of Stellar Leadership

Vanessa B. Briggs
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Board of Directors announces that Vanessa B. Briggs has resigned as President and CEO of The Alliance for Health Equity, after five years in the role. 

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