Claneil Foundation announces 2017 Partnership Fund and Critical Issue Fund Grantees
The Claneil Foundation announced the 2017 grant recipients in their Partnership and Critical Issue Funds.
The Claneil Foundation announced the 2017 grant recipients in their Partnership and Critical Issue Funds.
The Barra Foundation announced they will award $2,150,000 to 43 exemplary organizations from across the field of Arts & Culture, Education, Health and Human Services.
Knight Foundation's $3.28 million grant to the Fairmount Park Conservancy to bolster residents' engagement in the city’s changing public spaces is "riding the wave" of Rebuild.
Foundations Community Partnership honored 12 nonprofit community programs in Bucks County that are making a difference in the lives of local children and their families at their 19th annual Partnership in Youth Services luncheon.
Alyson Ferguson, Manager, Coatesville Area Youth Philanthropy Program Director of Grantmaking, Scattergood Foundation, is a do-gooder with a mission.
Mel Heifetz is donating cash and real estate valued at $16 million to The Philadelphia Foundation to support GLBT causes.
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) recently announced the launch of the FY 2019-2021 funding process.
On October 10, The Philadelphia Foundation hosted a Funder/Grantee Reception to celebrate the accomplishments of PA is Ready!
Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest and seven other recipients accepted the 2017 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.
Supported by a record $100 million grant from the William Penn Foundation, Philadelphia launched a high-profile, mayor-backed, seven-year, $500 million initiative called “Rebuild” to revitalize neighborhood parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, and libraries across the city.