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The Fund for Women and Girls’ Community-Based Grants Allocation Committee Awards $239,680 in Grants

The Fund for Women and Girls' Girls Advisory Board
Thursday, June 23, 2022

For the second year in a row, The Fund awarded two-year sustained funding to local nonprofit partners. Additional funding was awarded through ‘Moving Her Forward’ Impact Grants, a grantmaking program established to focus on swift responses to pressing needs in the community

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The Fund for Women and Girls’ Fifth Annual Champions of Change Event Leaves Local Business Community Inspired to Elevate Women in the Workplace

The Fund for Women and Girls
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Nearly 75 business leaders, community supporters and elected officials gathered for the annual event that raised over $45,000 in support of local women and girls.

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Leeway Foundation Announces $49,950 in Support To 23 Individual Artists Highlighting Practices of Reclamation Of LGBQA Social Movements and Cultural Preservation

Leeway Foundation
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

In a time of global unrest and uncertainty, Leeway Foundation continues to be led by our community and grantees to reimagine our world and reclaim spaces of power through their socially engaged artistic and cultural practices.

The Fund for Women and Girls Bids Farewell to Current Executive Director, Announces Interim Appointee, and Looks Ahead to Diverse Executive Search

Mary Beth Morrissey
Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Fund for Women and Girls says goodbye to current Executive Director, Michelle Legaspi Sánchez, and announces Mary Beth Morrissey as Interim Executive Director effective September 20, 2021.

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The Fund for The School District of Philadelphia Awards Grants Designed to Increase Projects in STEM and Inspire Black, Latinx and Female Students

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Fund for The School District of Philadelphia has announced 16 winning public-school projects that will receive grant funding for programming  aimed at introducing Black, Latinx and female students to potential careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The Fund for Women and Girls Hosts 16th Annual Making a Difference Luncheon Celebrating 25 Years of Impact

Making a Difference luncheon
Monday, May 24, 2021

The Fund for Women and Girls marked 25 years of serving local women and girls at the 16th Annual Making a Difference Luncheon on May 7th at the Desmond Hotel in Malvern.

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As Violence Against Asian Americans Intensifies, the Moment for Philanthropy to Act Is Now

Stop Asian Hate
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

In the wake of the horrific shooting in Atlanta that killed eight people - including six Asian American women - authors Patricia Eng and Eric Stegman issued a issued a call for philanthropy to take action to stop this violence and hate against AAPI communities.

CCFWG’s Girls Advisory Board Awards $19k to Local Nonprofits Serving Women & Girls

CCFWG Girls Advisory Board
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

This year's GAB class dedicated resources to dismantling systemic racism, providing access to healthcare and reproductive rights for low-income women and girls, and supporting women and girls experiencing violence.


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