The Fund for Women and Girls Launches Highly Anticipated 2022 Blueprint Report at Community Event
Published every five years, The Fund’s Blueprint Report is the first and only comprehensive needs assessment of women and girls in Chester County.
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Published every five years, The Fund’s Blueprint Report is the first and only comprehensive needs assessment of women and girls in Chester County.
Opening its 15th grants cycle, Impact100 Philadelphia celebrated with their Annual Membership Kickoff Event at Taller Puertorriqueño on September 29th.
The foundation announced the appointment of Paul DiLorenzo as its new Executive Director.
Leadership by Independence Blue Cross Foundation propels Pennsylvania to forefront of supporting young adults in recovery.
At its sixth annual Champions of Change event on Wednesday, October 26, The Fund for Women and Girls will honor Fredda Maddox and WSFS Bank.
42 new grants will fund local performances, exhibitions, events, and artistic practices that engage with issues of identity, representation, community, and history.
PHP announces its support of two new programs focused on the health and well-being of young children and their parents and caregivers.
Beginning Oct. 3, 2022, Frisby-Greenwood will lead Pew's work across the region to advance critical public policy solutions, support local social services organizations, and foster a vibrant civic and cultural life.
With calls for greater philanthropic transparency on the rise, harp-weaver client The Presser Foundation is making changes that support its belief that being transparent about its work strengthens its relationship with grantee partners.
NPT donor-advised fund grant volume increased 17% compared to Fiscal Year 2021 and 98% compared to prepandemic Fiscal Year 2019.