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"A Goal of Justice." Behind a Push for Racial Equity in Arts Funding
Greater Good: Lessons from Those Who Have Started Major Grantmaking Organizations
PA Statewide Funders Webinar: Equity, Real Costs, and Impact
The Movement for Immigrant Justice in 2021: Field Priorities, Strategies, and Needs
Hurricane Dorian Relief Resources
Health in Mind: A Philanthropic Guide for Mental Health and Addiction
This new guidance from the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) and the University of Pennsylvania presents a framework of five strategies that have emerged as the most promising ways for philanthropy to better address mental health disorders and addiction in the United States.
Grants Management Professional Competency Model
This toolkit defines the professional knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of grants management professionals regardless of area of specialization, the size of your organization or role within the field. By identifying both the functional responsibilities and the knowledge needed for success in every area of grants management, the competencies provide a comprehensive look at the profession. This model offers everyone working in grants management a pathway to professional success.
Keystone Policy Webinar: Census 2020 - What PA Funders Need to Know
Advancing Frontline Employees of Color
Written by FSG in partnership with PolicyLink, this report identifies 23 evidence-based practices for advancing racial equity and fostering working environments where all people feel valued and can thrive.