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Chester County Funders COVID-19 Update
Arts & Culture Funders Meeting
Mission-Aligned Investing Working Group
Join the Mission-Aligned Investing Working Group to learn more about community investment approaches from some of your peers who are actively engaged in Mission-Aligned Investing.
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance 2021 [Virtual] Annual Meeting
Impact100 Philadelphia Spring Education Event
Leading Philanthropy 2022
Gender Wealth Summit
Closing Session: Gun Violence and Implications for the Region
Gun violence is a widespread issue that has had a direct and devastating impact on the lives of all who live, work, play, or worship across our region. Community wellbeing, a sense of belonging, and safety are at the core of a thriving and equitable region. Christine Robinson, President of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, will provide insights on the issue of community violence.
Decade of DOTD: Building the Movement through Funder Collaboration
Delaware County Funders Community of Practice
Join us for the next gathering of the Delaware County Funders (snow date Friday, February 2).
Board of Directors Institute
HealthSpark Foundation's Emma Hertz elected to Board of Directors
Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia is delighted to announce the election of Emma Hertz, President and CEO of HeatlhSpark Foundation, to the Board of Directors.
NCFP Webinar- Spark Session: Serving Families Who Use Multiple Philanthropic Tools
Philanthropic families are increasingly using multiple tools and strategies to achieve their goals for social impact.
Equity in Philanthropy Event
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) remains a major issue, that members of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, indicate they want to learn more about and work towards. But it's not so simple. DEI means different things to different people. And, strategies to advance DEI are not so clear for many of us.
Re-envisioning Philadelphia’s Homeless Services System
This is a funders briefing and discussion on the Office of Homeless Services Strategic Planning and Re-design Effort. Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia and Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS) invite you to engage in a dialogue about effective strategies to reduce and end homelessness in Philadelphia and the many roles funders can play in addressing this challenge.
Fueling Philadelphia's Talent Engine: A Citywide Workforce Strategy
Foundation Maps Greater Philadelphia
Foundation Maps Greater Philadelphia
2018 Fall Conference: Onramps to Equity in Action
Join us on Friday, November 2 for our 2018 fall conference, where our region's social sector will come together to explore ONRAMPS to EQUITY in ACTION.