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Leadership, Culture and Community


An Open Letter to Arts Funders: Create a Pooled Loan Fund

BalletX by Chris Kendig
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Creating a pooled fund of flexible capital could help resuscitate our arts ecosystem and build a more sustainable future for the arts and cultural sector post-COVID-19.


William Penn Foundation Announces Another $11.6 Million for COVID Emergency Action

Monday, March 30, 2020

William Penn Foundation announces new emergency fund for early education and $6.6 million in general Ooerating support grants for arts and culture organizations.


Statement: Including Immigrants and Refugees In Our Response to COVID-19

Immigrant Community courtesy Fels Fund
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Douty, Fels and Scattergood Foundations invite their fellow funders to sign-on to this statement committing to actions supporting our immigrant and refugee communities during the COVID-19 crisis.


Community Voices: from a Moment and for a Movement

Spiral Q 2
Monday, August 24, 2020

In light of Independence Public Media's recent Community Voices Fund grants, program officer Nuala Cabral reflects on the role of media and philanthropy in supporting movements that challenge oppressive systems without co-opting or containing them.


Innovative COVID-19 Response Dashboard yields lessons for future disaster philanthropy

Covid-19 Signs
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

As tens of millions of philanthropic dollars were being distributed for emergency COVID-19 response in this region, the William Penn and Lenfest Foundations funded Philanthropy Network and the Center for High Impact Philanthropy to gather and examine data about the relief grantmaking.

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