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The Fund for The School District of Philadelphia Awards Grants Designed to Increase Projects in STEM and Inspire Black, Latinx and Female Students

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Fund for The School District of Philadelphia has announced 16 winning public-school projects that will receive grant funding for programming  aimed at introducing Black, Latinx and female students to potential careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The Lenfest Institute announces $1.3 million in grants to support The Philadelphia Inquirer’s community-focused journalism

The Lenfest Institute for Journalism
Thursday, May 20, 2021

New grants to The Philadelphia Inquirer to support initiatives that will enhance coverage of Philadelphia’s most pressing issues, with a particular focus on communities that have been historically underserved or misrepresented by journalism in the region.

Philadelphia Foundation Announces Fund Focused on Black-Led Nonprofits Serving Black Communities in Greater Philadelphia

Philadelphia Foundation
Thursday, May 13, 2021

With a lead gift from Facebook’s $20 Million “Supporting Black Communities” National Initiative, the new fund will fortify Black-led nonprofit organizations serving Black communities in Greater Philadelphia.

Forman Arts Initiative and Philadelphia Foundation Launch Art Works, A New Grant Program to Support Arts and Culture in Greater Philadelphia

Forman Art Works
Friday, March 26, 2021

Art Works is designed to support arts, culture and creativity working in partnership with Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) and other under-served communities.

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Beech launches resources directory to support families, individuals and communities

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

In celebration of its 30th Anniversary in service to the community, the Beech Companies, Inc., through Beech Community Services, has published an online, digital community resources directory in an effort to identify local, regional and national resources that can help uplift and improve the quality of life for families, individuals and communities in the Philadelphia region.


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