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Food Funders Meeting #1- Reality Bites: Hunger on the Rise in Philadelphia and What We Can Do About It
In response to data about the rise of hunger and food insecurity in Philadelphia, Philanthropy Network's Food Funders Affinity Group is holding a series of meetings to discuss what we can collectively do to reverse this trend.
First Round of South Jersey COVID-19 Response Fund Grants Awarded
Out of School Time Funders Community of Practice
Supporting Pennsylvania Food Systems: Statewide Funders’ Convening and Site Visits
Pennsylvania Humanities Council Announces $780,500 in Emergency Relief Grants
21st Century Leadership: Learn from NCFP’s Fellows
May 2019 Update: Rebuild is on the move!
The Fund for Women and Girls’ Community-Based Grants Allocation Committee Awards $239,680 in Grants
What’s Race Got to Do With It? Equity and Philanthropic Evaluation Practice
An increasing number of foundations are embracing racial equity/equity as a core value, and it is influencing how they see themselves and operate. However, evaluation has for the most part remained untouched. Knowing how race/racism has influenced both, philanthropy and evaluation, deepens our understanding of how philanthropic evaluation practice may unintentionally reinforce racism. Equitable evaluation shifts the current evaluation paradigm to one that centers equity/racial equity, so that it is more aligned with the values and intentions of current day philanthropic endeavors.