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New report outlines the scale and scope of employer-driven philanthropy and volunteerism in Philadelphia

Report Cover - How Employers Give
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

This new report from Philanthropy Network and the Chamber outlines the scale and scope of employer-driven philanthropy and volunteerism in Philadelphia.

Lenfest Institute Announces Inaugural Lenfest Next Generation Fund Winners

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The​ Lenfest Institute for Journalism today announced the first-ever recipients of The Lenfest Next Generation Fund Award, Philadelphia-area journalists and students of color who will receive stipends to attend the national professional development conference of their choice and receive related support from the Institute.

Opinion | As Philly’s historical organizations struggle, partnerships are key by Nadya K. Shmavonian

Historical Society photo by Heather Khalifa
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Nadya Shmavonian, director of the Nonprofit Repositioning Fund, argues that the sustainability of vital services and community assets is threatened by the weakened financial health of nonprofits, and it is in our collective interest to identify and support innovative solutions that support the longterm viability of these important organizations. 


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