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Reigniting Your Career Spark
Strangers in a strange land: Migrants and disasters in the US
Foundations Community Partnership Seeks Applicants for General Operating Support Grant Cycle and Summer Youth Corps Program
Foundations Community Partnership (FCP) is now accepting applications its General Operating Support Grant cycle (GOS) and Summer Youth Corps program (SYC).
Reimagining Redistricting: Funders Reflect on a New Report on Philanthropy, Fair Districts, and the Path Ahead
Strategies and Tactics for Moving Hearts and Minds
MIE’s Open Mic: Investing in Climate Equity
Jobs & Opportunities
Learn more about available Jobs and Opportunities and how to submit postings.
MIF Member Briefing: How funders can advance DEI in journalism
PA Humanities announces Wingspan: $2.25 million to 24 BIPOC and rural organizations
PA Humanities announced $2.25 million in funding to 24 organizations from across the Commonwealth that prioritize community-based humanities in their work.
Unlocking 2024: Opening New Doors of Opportunity
Delaware County Funders Community of Practice
Join us for the next gathering of the Delaware County Funders (snow date Friday, February 2).
8th Annual National Day of Racial Healing
America250PA Chester County: What is it and how you can help
Join the next Chester County Funders Community of Practice for an online conversation about America250PA Chester County (CC250).
Closing the Gender Wealth Gap Forum: From Extraction to Equity - Tackling Wealth Supremacy
Regional Foundation Announces $2 Million in Grant Awards
Regional Foundation awards Neighborhood Planning Grants in NJ, DE, and PA, and continues to support revitalization work in historically underinvested communities.
Comcast NBCUniversal Awards $500,000 Grant to Elevate 215 in Support of Philadelphia Education
Comcast today announced a $500,000 grant to Elevate215 to accelerate student learning outcomes and build a diverse teacher workforce in Philadelphia.