Join us for an update on MontCoPA COVID-19 response fund, group sharing on new grant initiatives or changes to giving, and philanthropy’s role in advancing racial justice in Montgomery County.
Please join this discussion on education-related inequalities that youth are facing due to COVID-19, particularly the digital divide and mental health in K-12 students.
Join us for a panel discussion with local leaders about how giving circles of color have responded to the current crises and how their giving circle models can intersect with traditional philanthropy. How can the community-centered lenses of BIPOC-led/BIPOC-serving giving circles inform, or transform, traditional grantmaking? Non-members are welcome to attend this session.
From May to July of 2020, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy and Philanthropy Network Greater Philanthropy developed the Regional COVID-19 Response Dashboard. With major support from William Penn Foundation and in collaboration with 13 shared funds launched to address COVID-19, the dashboard reflects more than $40 million in grant awards to 10 counties across Southeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. In this webinar, the team behind the dashboard will share its findings about the region’s philanthropic response to COVID-19. They will also share lessons learned and implications, both for those working in this region, as well as those outside the region who care about effective crisis grantmaking and improved philanthropic practice.